
Martinez was founded in 1790 by the Spaniard Sebastian Gonzalez Martinez, who, from his base in the City of London sold sherry, cigars and Port which was sourced from a number of producers and sold on to British merchants for bottling under their own names.  In 1822, he went into partnership with an Englishman, John Peter Gassiot, a Member of The Royal Society and amateur scientist.  By the time Sebastian Martinez retired in 1849, the company had become the largest shipper of Port to the UK, with its own lodges in Oporto acquired in 1834.

In the early 20th century, at a time when many Port shippers were struggling, Martinez sold shares on the London Stock Exchange and became a public company.  In the early 1960’s Martinez was purchased by British wine merchant John Harvey, who also rather ironically acquired Cockburn’s, at the time Martinez’s foremost rival. In 2006, the firm was acquired by the Symington Family who set out to revitalize the Martinez name and reinforce its reputation for fine Vintage Ports.

Displaying 1-3 of 3 results.
  • Wine
    The wines were appealing from the start, with ripe fleshy fruit concealing the underlying tannic grip that will enable these wines to stand the test of time. Classic vintage, superlative structure, great wines
  • Wine
    Full in colour with a richness and big depth of fruit. The tannins are softening, to be sure, but there is still lots of body and power that will allow it to improve for many years.
  • Wine
    Shipped by Palmers in barrel and bottles here at the brewery, Martinez 1955 had not seen the light of day for over 60 years until we decided to release some from our bond. Martinez 1955 is a classic and is drinking perfectly. Please note that the Martinez 1955 vintage port has no label.