Duke Of Sussex Madeira, Blandys

Duke Of Sussex Madeira, Blandys

Madeira, Portugal
Tinta Negra Mole
Wine Description:

A dry aperitif used for cooking and sipping purposes

Tasting Note:

Light, delicate Madeira with clean fresh nutty flavors. Its dryness makes it an excellent aperitif wine.

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Producer Description

Blandy's Madeira is a family owned business with over 200 years of experience in producing the finest quality Madeira wines, and prevails totally dedicated to the preservation of the Madeira wine production traditions whilst maintaining the highest quality standards.

Founded by John Blandy – the family Madeiran branch patriarch – in 1811, Blandy’s Madeira is a family-owned wine company, For 200 years, Blandy’s Madeira has been synonymous with quality Madeira wine.

In 1925 Blandy's decided to join the Madeira Wine Association; a group of wine companies formed together to maximise global exposure and minimise overheads in a world where the export market was experiencing an all time low. Led by the Blandy family, this association managed to survive the bleak years whilst many individual companies fell by the wayside.

In 1989 in order to further expand the global market, the Blandy's approached another Anglo-Portuguese family, the Symingtons of Oporto (Port producers since the 19th century) and offered them a partnership in the newly named Madeira Wine Company (MWC). This partnership continues today.